There is a great diversity of offers for this category of products: we find for example the coat, the 3/4, the overcoat, the polo coat, the Chesterfield...

Each piece would almost require an article, but let's go through the main lines together.

It's hard to find a nice down jacket that doesn't ruin your style... You quickly look like you've put a (garbage?) bag over you... It can look very cheap.

ugly black down jacket

In another case with a use of natural material and a care given to the style, there is the down jacket in wool flannel and cashmere De Fursac:

De Fursac down jacket

Perfect example of a successful piece.

Or this very nice model with herringbone at Carven.

carven down jacket

Beware of the parka, it is a garment more in tune with the mid-season than the full winter. Initially the parka is made to protect from rain and wind. It is the k-way of the fall.

In rainy weather I prefer the trench coat because it is much more interesting from an aesthetic point of view. There are few that you can wear in winter - the only notable exception is wool trench coats.

By the way, you don't need cold weather armor that you could use in the Arctic either...

Canada goose parka man

Parka of the brand Canada Goose. We see a lot of them in Paris and believe me, it is absolutely not adapted to this use...

stylish parka man

The most stylish parka I could find so far! Papy is still in the picture Very nice layering in addition to the style contrast!

Lacoste Man Parka

It was the Earl of Chesterfield who first wore this overcoat in London during the 19th century. The cut, typical of the frock coat at the waist, was no longer horizontal but simply absent. Causing a real scandal at the time, the coat has not evolved much.

An elegant overcoat to be worn over one's professional or evening clothes. Normally made from a soft precious fabric, often a mixture of wool with cashmere or even pure cashmere, in classic shades of gray or very dark shades of blue.
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