How To Choose And Wear Your Coat? - kayibstrore

How To Choose And Wear Your Coat?

The coat is a winter garment with several features.

Well chosen, it can last a long time and is suitable for all circumstances.

However, it is difficult to choose one, especially with a limited budget.

Designed to help you make your choice, this guide will tell you everything there is to know about the coat from A to Z: its different features, its different finishes, and the mistakes to avoid when buying it.

This way, you will be able to make the right choice and quickly identify good quality items.

In order to choose the right coat, you should follow these 8 steps:

Know your silhouette in order to choose an adapted model
Choose the material according to the season and the look (sober or casual)
Choose the color according to the trend and skin tone of your skin
Choose the finish: hooded, with fur, with button or closure, pocket style, etc.
Check if the coat matches your style
Check sleeve fit and choose a size
Checking the quality of the garment
Compare prices

In order to choose the right coat, you should follow these 8 steps:

Know your silhouette in order to choose an adapted model
Choose the material according to the season and the look (sober or casual)
Choose the color according to the trend and skin tone of your skin
Choose the finish: hooded, with fur, with button or closure, pocket style, etc.
Check if the coat matches your style
Check sleeve fit and choose a size
Checking the quality of the garment

En toute évidence, la taille de manteau se choisit en fonction de la carrure. Pour obtenir un manteau dans la bonne taille, il faudra absolument prendre sa mensuration. En pratique, il faut ajouter quelques mesures à cette dernière afin de pouvoir accueillir les couches de vêtements facilement. Ainsi, pour une taille 42, il faut choisir un manteau de taille 43, 44, voire 45.


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