Winter is coming, it's time to take out your coat, your boots and to bring out the clothes you've been doing without for the last 3 months.
Don't worry, winter is the season where you can look your best for the simple reason that you can multiply the layers of clothes easily (layering).
Stay calm, Art de Séduire will explain you everything to spend a winter as stylish and warm as possible. Let's go !
Materials for winter
Some materials are more suitable than others during winter because they retain heat better.
You'll have to forget about thin cottons, linen, seersucker (that waffle-like material sometimes used for suits) and any material that doesn't retain heat well.
Instead, opt for the following materials:
Wool: The main material of any good winter coat, this is the material you will find most often and should favor.
Cashmere: Much more expensive, made from goats and not sheep, this material, in addition to being incredibly pleasant to wear, will be a very good idea for your sweaters and knits during the winter.
Tweed: Not a very glamorous material that reminds you of the blazers of old high school or college professors, this material tends to keep you warm in winter.
Fake friends: Overall, all synthetic materials like polyester keep you way too warm in the summer.
For this reason, you might be tempted to buy it for winter: bad idea.
This material is not a good insulator. If it keeps you warm in the summer, it won't keep you warm at all in the winter and will simply make you sweat unnecessarily.
Wool coats
winter coat
I'm not telling you anything, this winter you'll need a good coat. But what do we mean by a good coat?
Forget the existential problems between duffle coat, trench coat, long coats. It will be necessary to make this choice according to your tastes and your morphology.
What will be essential for a good winter coat, will be its composition.
When you choose this coat, be sure that it is composed mostly of wool (polyester does not retain enough heat in winter) and if possible, with a certain percentage of cashmere.
Of course, you won't find these materials in entry-level coats. However, you should know that a well-maintained mid-range/high-end coat will last for several years.
I encourage you even more to choose a basic coat and differentiate yourself with less expensive pieces that you can easily change from year to year.
large knit
Knits are the pieces you will wear the most in winter! Simply because they are the pieces that keep the warmest. In knits, we will classify the big cardigans (often with shawl collar), the sweaters in big knit, but also the thinner cardigans for example.
Knitwear in general is the perfect type of piece for winter and this, because you can play on the overlays. Again, be careful with the material of your knits.
Wool is good, but if it's not of good quality, it's itchy. Cashmere is expensive, synthetic is a bad idea and so on...
Ideally, opt for a knit with a majority of wool and possibly a little synthetic or simply merino wool which is softer (but unfortunately tends to shrink if you wash it badly).
The smart layering
As we have already seen several times, layering is the fact of superimposing several layers of clothing to keep warm, to play on contrasts, materials, cuts and improve your style.
If you want to layering, first go back to the article that explains you how to match colors, it will be important for the continuation.
Once you've done that, you'll be able to use complementary colors, patterns and checks to layering, while opting for layers to keep you warm!
Checked shirt and plain cardigan, plain shirt over patterned jacket, almost anything will be allowed as long as you wear pieces that can match. The interest here is really to be able to play with colors, adding style to your outfit and especially keeping you warm for the winter!
For my part, I particularly like the idea of a white shirt, a navy blue cardigan with a beige / sand coat on top.
This will keep you warm and stylish for winter! (If like me, you live in the Northeast, this is REALLY necessary...)